† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10904133, 11304294, 11274281, 11404006, and U1230201), the Development Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant Nos. 2015B0101004, 2013B0401062, and 2012A0101001), the Research Foundation of the Laboratory of Shock Wave and Detonation, China (Grant No. 9140C670201140C67282).
As a widely used pressure calibrator, the structural phase transitions of bismuth from phase I, to phase II, to phase III, and then to phase V with increasing pressure at 300 K have been widely confirmed. However, there are different structural versions for phase III, most of which are determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD) technology. Using x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements combined with ab initio calculations, we show that the proposed incommensurate composite structure of bismuth of the three configurations is the best option. An abnormal continuous increase of the nearest-neighbor distance of phase III with elevated pressure is also observed. The electronic structure transformation from semimetal to metal is responsible for the complex behavior of structure transformation.
Bismuth (Bi) is one of the most studied elements under high pressure due to its peculiar electronic character and its abundance of pressure-induced polymorphic phases. A generally accepted phase-transition sequence with increasing pressure at room temperature is I → II → III → V.[1–5] The phase at ambient pressure (phase I) is of a rhombohedral A7-type structure of space group R
However, there are still several outstanding uncertainties over the Bi phase diagram, particularly regarding the pressure range from 2.7 GPa to 7.7 GPa (the stability field of phase III). Some studies have found that two additional phase transitions happen at 4.3 GPa and 5.3 GPa.[12,13] In addition, due to the complexity of the diffraction patterns of phase III and the difficulty in indexing these diffraction patterns, the crystal structure of phase III has been differently described during the past 50 years. Three different structures (monoclinic,[14] tetragonal,[15] and orthorhombic[16]) were proposed in the 1970s, but the structures were not convincingly fitted to the experimental data. In the 1990s, Chen et al.[17] presented another tetragonal structure which showed a good fit to the phase III XRD peak positions. Recently, Mcmahon et al.[3,18] described a structure of a body-centered tetragonal (bct) “host” and an interpenetrating bct “guest” component, which was incommensurate with the host along the c axis. This structure is also consistent with the experimental data and shows better coherence in the volume change rate during the phase transition from II to III.
To address the above problem the conflicting structures are produced by the different diffraction experiments, an independent XRD experiment is carried out in this work. To complement those experiments, we also use XAFS spectroscopy, a powerful tool to determine the geometric structure by providing the coordination information within a few angstroms of the absorbing atom.[19] We use XAFS measurements combined with ab initio calculations to investigate the phase transitions of bismuth at pressures up to 20 GPa and room temperature. The sequence of phase transitions and the pressure range of each phase are determined, and the most likely crystal structure of phase III is tested. We propose the probable mechanism of an abnormal increase of the nearest-neighbor distance of phase III upon compression, and investigate the electronic structure transition.
The Bi L3-edge XAFS spectra of bismuth under different pressures have no diffraction peak in an energy range from −200 eV to 450 eV relative to the edge energy (13.404 keV), which were measured at the EXAFS beamline 1W1B at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) with the transmission mode. Up to 20 GPa pressure scenario was generated by a diamond anvil cell (DAC) with a pair of monocrystalline conical diamonds of 200-μm flat culet. The ruby R1 fluorescence technique was used to measure the pressure. A T301 gasket was compressed to 30 μm and a ∼ 70-μm diameter hole was drilled in the center. The hole was filled with polycrystalline Bi sample of 99.998% purity (Alfa Aesar Co.) and a small sphere of ruby for pressure measurement. Because bismuth is relatively soft under high pressure, no pressure-transmitting medium was used in these experiments. Single-crystal diffraction of diamond, which would be superposed onto the XAFS spectra as drastic interference signal, was suppressed by rotating the DAC to adjust the angle between the DAC orientation and the incident x-ray. To obtain the EXAFS oscillations k2χ(k) and the radial structural functions (Fig.
The powder diffraction data were collected on the station 4W2 specifically designed for high-pressure physics at the BSRF using the Mar345 image-plating detector. Monochromatic x-ray was used as the incident illumination with a wavelength of 0.61992 Å. Mean current of the beam was about 250 mA, and the size of the facula was 14 μm × 35 μm. The pressure was created by DAC and calibrated by the fluorescence peak position of ruby. The same sample was loaded into a 200-μm diameter hole with a thickness of 40 μm that was drilled in a T301 gasket.
To optimize the structures and calculate the electronic properties of Bi, we applied the density functional theory in the framework of the projector augmented wave (PAW)[23] method as implemented in the code VASP (Vienna ab initio simulation package).[24] The exchange–correlation potential was approximated by generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional.[25] To ensure convergence (< 1 meV/atom), the kinetic cutoff energy of 450 eV, and Monkhorst–Pack k-meshes[26] with grid spacings of 0.2 Å−1 and 0.1 Å−1, were chosen for structural optimizations and calculations of electronic density of states, respectively.
Comparing with the phase diagram of bismuth (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Pressure–temperature phase diagram[1–4] of bismuth and the crystal structures of phases I, II, and V. The squares, the triangles, the stars, and the upside-down triangles represent the pressure points measured in this work which are divided into 4 groups. |
![]() | Fig. 3. XRD image (a) and the integrated one-dimensional (1D) profile (b) of Phase III under 4.3 GPa. |
Given the different XRD experimental data for phase III, we also independently performed several XRD experiments by using polycrystal Bi powder. The XRD image of phase III at 4.3 GPa and its integrated profile are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. Comparisons between the experimental XANES spectrum and the calculated spectra of phase III. The crystal structures for calculating the spectra are cited from Ref. [4] (solid line), Ref. [15] (dashed-dotted line), and Ref. [12] (dotted line). |
Due to the lack of novel structural information from our XRD measurements, we use XAFS to determine whether the evidence could be found for any of the structures of phase III previously described, including the monoclinic structure,[14] the tetragonal structure[17] and the incommensurate composite host–guest structure.[3] The structures proposed by Duggin[15] and Fedotv et al.[16] in the early 1970s are not discussed in this work due to the absence of detailed atomic positional parameters. Figure
Next, the enthalpies each as a function of pressure for these three structures are calculated. All enthalpies are referenced to the composite structure (ΔH = H − HComposite) as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. Enthalpies each as a function of pressure for the three different phase III structures. All enthalpies are referenced to the composite structure (ΔH = H − HComposite). The structures are cited from Ref. [4] (dashed line), Ref. [15] (dashed-dotted line), and Ref. [12] (dotted line). |
The XAFS spectra are divided into four groups representing phases I, II, III, and V, and figure
The calculated XANES spectra based on the structures of I (rhombohedral), II (monoclinic), III (incommensurate composite host–guest), and V (bcc) are displayed in Fig.
Using the data shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. Experimental (a) and the calculated (b) Bi L3-edge XANES spectra of the four phases. The insert shows the calculated spectra of pure II and the mixtures of pure II with I or III. |
![]() | Fig. 8. Variations of total and the partial DOS with energy for phases I (a), II (b), III (c), and V (d) of bismuth subjected to a transition from semimetal to metal under pressure. |
To study the electronic structure transition of bismuth with increasing pressure, the total and partial electronic density of states (DOS) of the four phases are calculated and the results are shown in Fig.
In this work, we investigate the phase transitions of bismuth with increasing pressure at 300 K using XAFS measurements. The difference between EXAFS oscillation curves shows that the sequence of phase transition of bismuth is I → II → III → V, and neither the phase transition of III → III′ nor that of III′ → III″ were observed. The pressure ranges stable for each phase have good consistence with the previous research results. Combining XAFS with ab initio calculation, we show that the incommensurate composite structure is the best option representing phase III. Interestingly, the nearest-neighbor distance of phase III increases under compression, which may be due to the highly anisotropic covalent state of the incommensurate structure. The calculation of DOS shows that the metallic characteristic increases with increasing pressure, which is responsible for its complex structural transition.
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